Mobile ID resources

We have plenty of resources to provide additional information.  Still have questions, or looking for more information, please reach out to our team and we will be happy to assist.

ISO 18013-5

The International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 18013-5 specifies the technical and interoperability requirements for Mobile Drivers Licenses (mDL). ISO 18013–5 standard is a Draft International Standard expected to be published next year in 2021. The complete document is available here. The current standard supports data exchange for attended online and offline transmission. All are encouraged to implement, and you may inquire about GET Mobile Verify and our Verify Engine/SDK.

To subscribe to the standard as it changes:

American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)

  • Mobile Driver’s License Functional Needs Whitepaper – presents the current understanding of the Card Design Standards Committee and the eID Working Group, of the conceptual framework and functional requirements associated with a “driver license on a cellphone”, or mobile driver license (mDL). It also explores ancillary topics stakeholders may want to consider in connection with mDLs.

Secure Technology Alliance - mDL Connection

  • mDL Connection is a resource from the Secure Technology Alliance, the digital security industry’s premier association. This website supplements the Alliance’s mission to educate the U.S. market and accelerate adoption and use of state-issued mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs).
  • Mobile Driver License (mDL) Initiative – To drive adoption of mDLs, businesses and services providers who rely on customers having trusted forms of identification – from retailers and financial institutions to healthcare providers and other organizations – need to become educated on mDLs and evaluate how they could benefit from a strongly vetted, standards-based mobile ID.
    The mobile driver’s license (mDL) market is developing rapidly in the U.S., with states in varying stages of implementation. The Secure Technology Alliance white paper, The Mobile Driver’s License (mDL) and Ecosystem, was developed to help stakeholders understand how mDLs will change the way identification is managed.  It answers essential questions around the standards, features and uses of an mDL; why someone should use or accept an mDL; and how the mDL will meet expectations of trustworthiness.
  • The Mobile Driver’s License and Ecosystem Webinar Series – The Secure Technology Alliance Identity Council hosted a four-part webinar series to discuss mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs) and the impact they will have on identity verification as more states adopt the technology. Recordings of all four webinars are available here.

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